My Vision Board

Being a visual learner, what helped me and is still helping me remember what I want in my life is through vision boards!

Back in Lucena, Philippines prior to the USA opportunity, (and I blogged about it on my other blog My Dailies-entitled Powerful Thoughts) I would really cut out magazines, pictures, photos and words with emotional impact on me! - and make a collage out of it!

Here are some!

This one I created back in 2008 just because I was so eager for my family to join me already!  

There was even one where I just doodled a car (because I did not have one yet; did not even know how to drive then!), a driver's license,  Licensure tests passed, and a drawing of me picking up my family at the New Orleans Airport! - GUESS what? it all came true!

Here's the latest, I made use of the images found on the internet and just made use of MS Paint!

 Through my vision board, I know I am activating the Law of Attraction! By just doing this very simple activity it is as if my mind is making my dreams a reality already! 

A real helpful tool to make our dreams come true!

Try it and see if it works for you too! :)



  1. i do believe in those things , actually i have one too. I made that when I graduated in college it was in my bedroom our future is not ours to see but we can envision it .Kung ano ang nasa isip , yun ang tinatanaw at kung ano ang tinatanaw yun ang nasa puso at kung ano ang nasa puso yun ang ginagawa. - shalom

  2. I'm doing like this before but now i'm busy with my school stuff. So i'm just jotting some notes the things what I want. Anyway thanks for sharing! Effort! <3

    1. ... there's power in the written word! believe it!:)

  3. Namaste, Thanks for reminding me that people are visual as well as being word people like me.

  4. Put yourself into the state of abundance and prosperity will follow you....positive thinking is really true.


  5. I actually believe in the Law of Attraction. Heck! It even helped me pass my Chemistry removals exam back in college. On a serious note, I too had a visual board early on. I guess my laziness got the best of me. But since I saw yours, I might consider doing my own boards again. =) Good to know that yours have been coming true, even if it's bit by bit. =)

    1. YES! Let's continue to make our dreams come true!!! :))

  6. true, dream and make your dream come true and you did your dream through visualization .it reminds me of my oldest sister,Being the oldest ,she dreamed big and one of them is to become rich and it came true but she works hard for it.

    1. Shoot for the moon, ika nga, even if you miss you'll still land among the stars... I want to hear your sister's story!!!:)

  7. That's awesome. The idea of making a vision board is nice. Hmmm.. ma-try nga yan! :D

  8. I genuinely believe visualization works. I start doing that to my daughter. I used old calendar. My daughter who is nearly three we cut-off the numbers on the first page and stick it at the back of calendar to use as educational material. So everything is recycled. It's very good way of learning, isn't it?

  9. having a vision board... maybe it's time for me to have one also... very convincing. thanks. Yahweh bless.

  10. I use to do collage like this at the beginning of the year for me to set a goal. Only lately I think I've forgotten about updating it.
    Congratulations on your achievements!
    Visiting from FBW :)

  11. i think i've read somewhere about this vision board. i wanted to make one when i was down and low but never got around to doing it.

  12. the more that you see it and the more you desired it will come true

  13. oohhhh it looks great! especially the first collage!

  14. What our mind can conceive, we can achieve. I guess this adage is perfect for today's post. I'd love to do this.

  15. I like the idea of this vision board better than making a new year's resolution each time a year starts.

  16. i believe that you can invite luck (i.e. chance and acting on chance) to come to your life, and this could be by way of law of attraction like vision board.this is the second blogger's post i read on the topic, the first one inspired me to start doing a vision board for the lawyer's org i chair (but was put on the back burner after sometime), and yours rekindle the desire to finish it! so thank you for sharing.

  17. oh bad..we are very opposite..hehehe..i really don't like doing these things..i don't have the patience in doing these kind of stuff..hehehe...

  18. vision board are most likely effective especially when you are inspired to make it real so you have to work for it and put all efforts to get whatever you deserve.

  19. I have been putting off making those vision boards and maybe I should really do one! I hope my laziness doesn't get in the way! I also believe in the Law of Attraction. And of course, hard work and prayers! Keep dreaming and keep making them come true! God bless! :-)

  20. I'm hoping that you vision board will be practically the board of solutions of what you've plotted and collated. So be it!

  21. I liked your vision board. I guess I need to fill-up mine ASAP. ^_^

  22. yep this works for some I guess. Me, I'm ok with writing it all down. I mean writing all my plans, wants, dreams in a notebook. Once in a while meditating on it, plan ahead on what are the possible way to achieve it and most importantly I pray for it. :)

    1. I write it down too!!! it sure helps!!! and yes, most importantly we pray about it! #1! :)

  23. I've been longing to do that...pero di natutuloy hehe.. anyway, looking at your boards gave me ideas. probably I'll try to push thru with my projects.. thanks!

  24. wow.. so that's vision board. Nice! I'll do that one too!

  25. I really believe dreams do come true... I enjoy watching your vision board Ma'am Gemma because it makes me more motivated. I also do vision board through editing photos using apps like photoshop. I always love to crop our photos and paste it on a beautiful places that I love to visit. (LOL) and I thought it is weird so I just keep it on my social media privately, then, now I realized that it's good to have a vision board , dreams that you really want to be real.... Thank you so much mam Gemma for sharing this ...

    1. Yes, vision boards are powerful! I'm excited for you!

  26. I am encouraged and excited to make my 1st vision board.
