Classroom Teacher No More!

School year 2011-2012 has ended. I remember writing Believing is Seeing, first quarter of the school year.

Believing is Seeing!

 I was telling my story of being given yet another pink slip of  Pink Slips , and survived in the end.

I didn't teach this school year. I had a different job. I supported three schools with their IEPs, a special education document, making sure they were all up-to-date and in compliance.

It was a tough job, especially during the first few months since I needed to work with teachers rather than students.

I had to deal with power struggles, learned helplessness, dependency and confusion at the beginning and support, commitment, teamwork and effort and getting-things-done in the end :) 100% compliance!!!

I had quite a few stories to remember, actually a lot of memories to remember.  Different people, different stories, various personalities, unique philosophies, distinctive work ethics and leadership.

I learned a lot, from being persistent, committed, patient, of service and we-can-get-this-done-attitude!

It was quite a year!

... and I look forward to more school years with my team! Kudos Geronimo!

... thank you for the freebies too! :))

visit me here too!


  1. go get'em Gemma!

  2. Sounds like you are really enjoying your job. Good for you and cheers!
    Points of View of Travels and Places

  3. kudos to all teachers! taas kamay ko to everyone who took their time honing other people's skills and talents. :)

  4. i think its really harder to deal with adults than kids... kids can be very "makulit" and all... but somehow... they are manageable but adults? they got a lot of questions, reasoning and sometimes, they just don't care at all... and it really needs a lot of patience and perseverance... Kudos to you for surviving that! hihi

  5. It's great that you've learned a lot from taking a new responsibility.

  6. wow great job!! You can do it Gemma! God bless! ;)

  7. This just goes to show that a teacher's job is never done. There will always be other things to do in the name of teaching.

  8. yay! summer break and you needed it the most :-) hope that you will enjoy the school break :-)

  9. congratulations! indeed we always learn from different people and different experiences in our lives.
