Socorro Adventure Day 2: Finding Balance

Funny how my husband would always push me, mmm, the correct word is, FORCE me to do something more with my life.

He says I am wasting my time with Facebook, and he isn't delighted with that!

He's got this big belief in me that I could be so much more and do so much more. In his mind, I need to do something now. I need to stop procrastinating and just push myself to the road less taken.

Of course, I resist.

But, due to a change of heart...

We are here at Socorro, NM for 5 days (my family's with me because of free housing) to commence my becoming a graduate student of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. It feels like home!

Maybe, the passion for learning and learning some more, is just within me! I loveeee it!

So, back to my story. I was burning my eyebrows last night because of too many write-ups!!! (plus Facebook! lol) and went to sleep like 1 AM already.

I woke up to a big breakfast of fried rice, eggs and sausage! Hehe

My husband prepared it all (one time, he did tell me that the reason why he won't cook was because he wasn't happy doing that, it was real EFFORT for him) and this morning, he did just that - on his own volition or will!

Now, think about that?!!!

Maybe, just maybe... The universe has found the downward force of my husband to find its balance with the upward force my resistance.

Bottom line? Everyone's happy! Lol!


  1. Dennis pushes you so hard because he knows that you can do so much more. I believe that, too.

  2. hahha... wish I would wake one day with someone preparing a real breakfast for me.... :D

  3. It's true there's more to life that you can do if you give it a try.

  4. You're lucky to have a husband that is thoughtful. I think it's about time you do something for him too hahaha give him something that will make him smile. :)

  5. Generally, in most cases facebook is something we can't resist. I don't know but lately i was too involved with facebooking if there is such a word. At any rate , you are giving us an impression that you both have found the balance you were looking for. Happiness

  6. After all, its about the end and its embedded blessings, just like the nice breakfast that had.

  7. wow same as my husband too!! he always cooked for us actually instead of me doing everything!! his the new wife haha i gotta work my ass very sooon as well hah!

  8. hihi. breakfast served by hubby... dont know why, but its sweet :)

  9. It's a good thing my hubby pushes me over the limit otherwise I'd be wasting too much time over some things that ain't even worth the time..
