The Phone Call

I could still remember the phone call I received almost two years now. I was driving on the way home when the cell phone rang. I wasn't supposed to pick it up but the number was coming from New Mexico. There was just this feeling that it was from the school I applied just a week ago online.

True enough, it was the Assistant Principal in-charge of Special Education calling me. I immediately maneuvered the car to the right to a halt.

"Yes Sir, I am still very interested in the position" (really interested!), I answered when asked if I was still available and interested in the Special Ed position.

He said, he will go to the District Office to get my files, I blurted, "Yes Sir, please do that." (super determined! lol!)

He called me up again the next day (sign of real interest! right?) to schedule an online phone interview. I was delighted! I decided to go on a half-day leave (preparation..) since I wasn't sure how long the interview will last, I was also worried as to what room I'd stay if the phone would suddenly ring in the class I serve.

So, I took a leave and anticipated the call. Well, 15 minutes later (after the agreed time), there still was no call, so I called them up (persistent!), and funny, I was actually an hour early. I was thinking of our time, and my interviewer was referencing their time (an hour late!).

I hang up the phone and they called after 30 minutes. I felt like I was just into it. Too many questions but I loved answering every bit of it!

An hour after the interview, I received a call again (good, good sign!), asking me to come already, as in to come as soon as possible! (they wanted to make sure, I was real! lol!)

That day, I went ahead to talk to my current principal about the situation and asked favor if she can return the call for reference purposes. She did. She called the principal and I was just looking at her reaction and listened to what she was saying! As soon as she hanged up, she told me, "I'm going to miss you, I don't want you to go, but you got it. You got the job!", I was elated! I told her, "No, that's too early! He was just asking for reference! I wasn't offered any yet! (wishful thinking mode!)" She said, "Believe me, you got it!" (believing and yet, to see is to believe mode!)

To make the long story short, 2 days after, I flew to New Mexico and spent the day in the school I applied for. They had planned my day for me. I attended Special Ed meetings, toured the whole school, observed inclusion classes and demonstrated (and was observed) in an Algebra class. (they like me huh? lol!)

At the end of the day, the principal asked for me again, he asked, "how was it..", and I told him "I loved it! I want to stay!!!" (... and it's true!, I wanted to be hired that instant!), he then started telling me about the schedule. "So, this is the schedule, Monday, there is Math with --- , Tuesday, this subject with --- ", halfway, I interrupted (domineering! lol!), "Wait, do you mean, I got the job?!" (pro-active?!  taking initiative? Lol!) He said, "No" (mmm, doesn't want to be cut, dominant, Lol) , and continued with the schedule " Wednesday..... Thursday and Friday....", "and in behalf of the district we are officially hiring you..."

... and my life, our lives changed. (To believe is to see!)

To God be the Glory! Amen!


  1. congrats!! I remember my first phone interview, my room before has this wooden walls and 1/4 of the top is totally open and my father was watching TV in our living room, so noisy! haha. But I aced it too! But unfortunately for me, they offered the job late and I accepted the first offer I got. ;)

  2. wow. congratulations , it was a once in a life time opportunity and you did what you have to do and did it the best you can .

  3. Congratulations on your anniversary there.. hehe.. you must have really loved your job you stayed there that long.

  4. GOD is always good! HE knows our heart. HE never fails to give us what we need. We just have to be patient and persistent... whatever we deserve will surely come in HIS time.

  5. Great story of getting the job you want. I get my regular dose of interview and it's always interesting to get to know more about the company and answering all those interview question.

  6. Such an inspiring story of determination and perseverance. It was a good visit in your memory lane.

  7. Congratulations, your story made me remember when I first applied for a job. When you said persistence I got too much of that. Cellphones are not yet born that time and we don't have phone at home (just imagine how old I am now) so I have to wait for the call c/o my Aunt who is working in the city to relay if I've been called for an interview or a telegram lol. When there was no call, I drop by their regional office and asked to be interviewed or subjected for an exam. To make the story short . . . they hired me and after so many years and mergings . . . . I'm still here =)

    Cogratulations . . . you finally got the job that you really wish for =)

  8. Congrats! it's great to be accepted in a job you really love and enjoy doing it.

  9. Congrats! I am happy for your great achievement in life. It really made a change!

  10. WOW that's great! Congratulations! It's nice to get a job that you really love :)

  11. Wow, this is very inspiring. I wonder if I could have this opportunity too. anyway, congrats to you.

  12. Nakakaiyak naman po yung story nyo sa sobrang inspiring. Sarap talaga balik-balikan yung mga magagandang pangyayari sa buhay no?

  13. Very inspiring... I could even feel your excitement when you answer their call. Congratulations gurl...
