Loving Work!

When I started my work as a Special Ed Teacher here in America, it just felt natural. I mean, I was elated to be here, right? So I was just like a sponge, wanting to learn, wanting to do more, wanting to be more.

One of the duties that we have to do is to pull out the student for testing. We need this so we would know the present level of performance of the student in the core subjects: Reading; Math; Writing.

I enjoy doing this. I enjoy pulling out students and testing them.

I also like writing IEPs. IEPs are Individualized Education Programs for the students with needs.  This is done yearly to our caseload (students under our care).

Fast forward to today. 4 years after.

I’m testing kids. I’m checking IEPs. These are the only two major things that I do now. I no longer teach students with special needs, but supporting teachers of special needs with their IEP compliances.

Whatever our minds can conceive and believe, it will achieve!  

It was just a matter of time, but it did happen! The mental images coupled with positive affirmation and gratefulness for work led to getting what I wanted!

I heard that for us to manifest things that we want, we need to put our attention NOT on “What Is” (what is in the present moment or circumstance) or “What Has Been” (what happened in the past) but to “What We Want”. 

We must put our attention and focus on what we want. It doesn’t matter what we have now, or what happened in the past, we just look forward to what we want in the future.

I remember I was just happy I have work, and loving it. But, every time, I’d pull out those kids for testing and working on their IEPs, I’ll just be grateful!

It just came as a surprise when after having lost my job AGAIN for the 4th time. See related post here.  :) For unknown reason, I'd just find myself without work after every school year. Though, I was grateful for the change!

What God was doing, I realized after, was He just wanted me to experience all levels! From middle school, transition school, high school, He wanted me to work with all peoples of different colors and personalities. And then boom! Opportunity, luck and readiness just collided! And here I am doing what I love most doing.

Whatever our minds can conceive and believe, it will achieve! Believe it! Live it!

Thank God for it! :)


As Featured On EzineArticles


  1. Totally agree on you Gemma. Focusing on "what you want" and being grateful of "what you have" will bring you to the success you're aiming for.

  2. Just like in one of the 7 Habits of Highly-effective People, Begin with the end in mind. Picture yourself with what you really want and for sure, you'll achieve it.

  3. We need more people like you, ma'am. My own mother is in this career track. She's been a university teacher for over 26 years, and now as she wants to slow down, she took some certification courses in order to be able to teach special-ed and younger kids. Instead of slowing down, as she planned, she discovered that these students actually need A LOT more care in order for them to receive quality education. Thank you for being in an industry of blood, sweat, and tears - know that you are appreciated and that we are grateful!

  4. It's one thing to have a job and it's another thing to have your passion as your job. I can feel your gratitude for having the latter. For sure, the salary becomes just a bonus, but really, it's the fulfillment the you get that keeps you going. You are very lucky to be doing what you love doing and earning from it at the same time. And yes, Ma'am, I do admire teachers like you :)

  5. I'm glad that you have found the profession where you genuinely like to be. You can help more children and teachers alike with what you do.

  6. Faith is a basic element for everyone to achieve what he/she has in mind. Faith in everything, but of course the foremost one is faith in God. I know you're blessed after losing your job, you got another kind of "teaching" task to do. And that is assessing those with special needs. Who else who can do that? And you, one of those appointed by Him to be with the special beings. God bless and more power!

  7. Congrats on your profession and great to know that you love your work. I salute all the teaching professions, it takes a lot of study, passion and dedication in this job.

  8. My nephew has autism and I really am grateful for teachers and therapists who are willing to help these kids fit into this fast-paced world :)
