All worth it!

Sometimes, just like today.. I am asking myself if this is all worth it?

I mean, coming here in America only meant one thing: for our family to be together.

Now, it's been 5 years. Five years that we haven't hugged our parents, brothers and sisters-in-law, relatives and friends. We've missed all important occasions, events and celebrations. We've taken away the opportunity for our kids to get to know their cousins, relatives and grand parents.

We honestly miss everything and everyone in our country!

It wasn't and still isn't easy to go home just because finances are tight. I continue to be the sole bread-winner working in a state where it doesn't really pay as much. Just, hopefully, the opportunity to be given permanent residence.

Permanent residence and then freedom!

Freedom to leave the country so we can have a vacation in the Philippines without the hassle of non-immigration papers.

Confidence and security that we will be able to come back and have a  job waiting for me.

Otherwise, everything remains temporary.

 Is it all worth it?

I believe and know it is.

Lord, we honor, praise and thank You for all placing the desire in our hearts. As we wait for the fulfillment of Your promise, grant us the serenity, faith and trusting heart. All things will work for good because You love us Lord. We will no longer question You, grow weary and be in despair, O Lord. In Your hands, we place our future. Thy will be done.




  1. Yes, it would be worth it and by the time you finally be back home. You'll love every minute of it since you've worked so hard to deserve it.

  2. Just ask your self, did I consulted or have asked God for will? If so then your decision to leave home is all worth it. In due time, God will grant the desires of your heart.

  3. In the land Milk and Honey, I'm sure all of your hard work will payoff in His time.

  4. everything on earth is temporary ... your endeavor to maintain stability (financial) is a normal reaction among many .. it is a survival instinct because of your family ... I hope soon you find that moment when you can be together again with your love ones in the Philippines... keep praying .

  5. Congratulations for your freedom! If you're happy there, then truly the answer is that it's worth it. :-D

  6. very true! receive our visa's as well yesterday and we're all happy now staying though hugging our relatives is a miss! xx

  7. Everything is really temporary. You just got to the your best and enjoy every minute of it. Well,personally, mahirap talaga mahiwalay sa mga kababayan dito sa Phils.lalo na yung mga kamag-anak at yung sarap ng buhay na nakasanayan dito..But if you know that what you are doing there is for a long term, I think then worth it talaga. Hopefully, you'll be given permanent residence there..very soon.

  8. Got the same situation. Been here to look for a job. Always thinking that USA is a good place but I feel so sad everytime I think of my family and friends back in the Philippines. But happy that I'll be back na naman sa Pinas and pagbalik ko dito sa USA, Ill be more serious in looking for a job and processing lahat ng kailangan.

  9. Saan ka man naroroon Ms. Gemma babalik ka rin. This is your homeland and your heart belongs here.

  10. I have the opposite question: "Is it worth it NOT going to the US with my parents?"

    The answer is still yes :)

  11. I'm sure that God will grant your hopes and desires. If not, then he surely has something better in-store. He gave you a job in a foreign country, and has sustained you all throughout. We just have to be mindful that he will never abandon us. :)

  12. Everything will be in the right place. God will find a way so your family will be together, keep praying my dear.

  13. Be strong and always have FAITH in God. It will keep you closer to God. Loneliness is always there to TEST you, hang on there and THINK of something that will make you GO and MOVE FORWARD. God bless you and your family.

  14. For sure if it's for your family, then it's all worth it. Just keep your faith and belief that everything will fall at their right place at the right time.

  15. Thy will be done indeed... He will always make a way, and He will provide the things we need, in His right time. Yahweh bless.

  16. Whatever we worked for hard, when we finally get it, its so rewarding. It may be too long but at the end of the day and the long wait, we will get what we really wanted.
