What happens in Vegas... stays in the photos Lol!

We were actually headed to the Factory Outlet. If 3 years ago, we were busy hotel hopping; this time we all decided to do something different. We shopped!... mmm, window shopped! Lol!

Mymy was busy taking photos while I drove the car. Hubby was telling me where to go! .. and then for the first time (we didn't see this last time), we saw the famous Las Vegas sign! Yay

April 9, 2013
Driving around Las Vegas


  1. Great shots!! This is one of my dream locations. I will visit you Vegas.

  2. It looks like you have lots of fun in Vegas :) but no photos inside a casino? haha

  3. I love the title. it's very catchy. Vegas is indeed a nice place to keep memories.

  4. cool photos. i hope i can go there someday!

  5. I love the title! hahahahaha... stay only there nothing more and nothing less. hehehehe...Vegas? Wow! Very intriguing place, so stay that way. LOL
