Life happens #Weeklies

Week 4/52 #Weeklies

Life happens.

All was well during my 3-hour drive to Roswell, NM to visit a school in Tatum some 1.5 hours away, but on the road back to Santa Fe, a lot of 'life' happened. 

After just 30 minutes of driving there was lightning and it hailed so hard I had to pull over since it had zero visibility in the area, I was so afraid the hail would crack the windshield! Thank God it didn’t, and so following my husband's advice on the phone, I had to go slow and turned all my lights on, including the hazard lights because of the hard rain after the hail.

Then came the sun and I confidently used the auto cruise and set it to 65mph even if the speed limit was 70 mph (bad idea still) because the next thing I knew I was in this slippery, frozen bridge with snow and the tires lost its grip on the road!  

I thank God there weren't any cars on my way when it happened, I did see an upcoming car and I’m sure he saw how my car was “dancing” in the snow at 65 mph!!!

I turned off the cruise control and that made the car wiggle some more! I wanted the car to go slow but it wouldn’t! (but of course, right?) 

I made sure not to hit the bridge and shouted “Lord, Lord” as I pressed the brake (which I shouldn’t have) and gripped the steering wheel so hard it made the car go straight! Thank God!!!

Oh, and then came the foggy area again and the rains happily and heavily poured after that!

I left my hazard lights on and went slowly until I reached my destination. 

I thank God for sparing me, for helping me control the car, and for the learning experience!!!

New Mexico is indeed the Land of Enchantment. At one location it could be raining, hailing, sunny, snowy, windy.... I rest my case.

Life happens.

Thank you, God, again and again.