My Daily Two Hours On The Train #Weeklies

Week 22/52 #Weeklies

When we moved to a different city four months ago, my life took a different turn. I suddenly need to wake up early or else I won’t be able to catch the train to go to work.

At my very first train ride, I got out too early! I thought I was at the correct location since I felt everybody was getting out! I did too! It took me a couple of minutes to realize it was the wrong one, and when I finally did, the train was moving already! Thank God there was UBER to the rescue! Lol.

There was also this one time when I slept. You see, unlike trains that follow a strict timetable, I couldn’t keep a strict sleeping time schedule! Sometimes, I’d find myself sleeping for at most five hours a night and it is no good! At the end of the day, I’d be tired, so tired that sitting in the quiet car (where you can’t use your cellphone, and everyone was just sleeping, reading or staring outside quietly) won’t help.

I choose to sit in the quiet car. I like the no noise, quiet environment going home. Well, it was conducive to sleeping too and I did sleep! I slept so deep that I missed my stop!!! Sadly, after calling on my husband and friends and panicking along the way, it took me another hour to get back to the car parked at the station.

Good thing the train passes on reservation areas where no one is allowed to take photos, since they consider their place holy and sacred, and would like to keep their privacy. It is so private indeed, that there is no telephone signal! But I like it because it forces me to put my phone away and just close my eyes to sleep. Otherwise, I could go on forever browsing the internet, Facebook, and it stresses my eyes all the more!

Sometimes, I have this rush of inspiration to write on the train, but most of the time, my eyes would just go on sleep mode. 

I live for two hours a day on the train - an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. It feels like a time out, a time to rejuvenate, an in-between - to clear off work thoughts to prepare me to embrace reality.

I didn’t anticipate what my life would be when we decided to settle in another city. Riding the train is a new adventure and with this new adventure comes the need to be mindful. 

To be mindful of the importance of sleep, to be mindful of the importance of getting at the train station on time, to be mindful of the people who share the same ride and most especially to be mindful of stations I am at.

I’d be riding this train for years to come, God willing, and I am blessing this train, the people behind it, and people who are on it. May the good Lord protect us and give us safe travels always.


P.S. Oh, my husband Dennis drives for UBER and it did bring in some money. Here’s an invite link if you need some extra cash:

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