Pack Your Luggage and Let's Go To USA! #Weeklies

Week 39/52 #Weeklies

My current work entails going to different schools in New Mexico for site visits. 

I lead a team. We observe classes, interview principals and leadership teams. Then we gather data and do exit meetings. Most of the time, district representatives join our meetings to discuss improvement areas and supports we can provide schools.

Yesterday, during our exit meeting, I had another (yes, another!) principal complain about not having qualified teachers to do the job. I can only empathize because I was still wearing my current work's hat.

Friends, the need for teachers was great yesterday and even more today.

Teach-USA aims to fill in that need for New Mexico schools.
Teach-USA knows that we Filipino teachers can fulfill that need for them. (Treat it as a mission, a calling, or a dream come true!)

We help New Mexico schools.
We help our Philippine economy and our families and most importantly,
We help ourselves by:
  • exploring possibilities and going outside of our boxes
  • questioning our limiting beliefs and allowing ourselves to be free from it and;
  • growing and learning more and more!
But we need highly qualified teachers. 

We need teachers who have the heart to teach different race, origin, color, disability.

We need teachers who cannot just deliver the lessons using today's best practices in education, but we also need them to be kind, caring and will have compassion for our New Mexico students.

Are you what we are looking for?

1. Do you have a current and valid PRC teaching license?
2. Are you currently teaching in any K-12 schools in the Philippines?
3. Do you want to experience teaching in the US?
4. Do you want that to happen this SY 2018-2019?
5. Are you willing to pay the price to achieve your dreams?

If you answer yes to all these questions, then please check out the Initial Requirements page at our website, Teach-USA, and I hope to hear from you soon!


Who am I? I'm GemmaSee my profile here.

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May all our dreams be blessed!


  1. Pls. keep us posted...Need to get a license muna...Thank you.

    1. Is there a money ban? If then how much? I am licensure teacher and i am now presently teaching and embracing the k-12 program here in the Philippines

  2. Hope to work also in that country.

  3. Nice opportunity for Filipino teachers

  4. I am A license Teacher for 13 years and currently employed to a very large school.. I am happy of my current work but when it comes to the finances..i observed that every year my debt is going up.. I graduated already my Master Degree and currently enrolled to the Doctorate Program.
    Do am I qualified since I'm a TLE Teacher.. Hope you discuss my concern.. Thank you and Have a Blessed day.
