A Decade-Long Dream Came True! #Weeklies

Week 42/52 #Weeklies

I am amazed by how God makes all things possible.

A lot of times I would be very specific in writing my plans to the point that I would want God to follow my schedule.

Year after year, I’d write my goals but year after year, it wouldn’t happen. Yes, I was begging God for permanent residency and opportunity to go home in the Philippines. I was begging because the permanent residency approval wasn’t under my control and to go home would mean to buy around $5,000 for tickets alone for the four of us and we’re not financially able to do that at all!

And then one time, I thought I’d change my style and stopped asking God about it. What I did instead was to be thankful everyday for He is already making my dreams come true!

True enough because a decade after (yes, that long!) while I was leisurely walking on my break time, a green leaf fell on my hand, I took that as God’s blessing – the very next day, we received our green cards in the mail.

Before the month ended, thanks to the forerunners of our trafficking case, all involved teachers were told of a “refund” of about $2,200 from the case filed to our former agency. 

A week after that at one of our CFC community meetings, I shared how it took us 11 years to finally get our permanent residence, and that we haven’t been home for that long already, and then our leader excitedly told me about cheap tickets on sale to the Philippines!

The following Monday I browsed and found four tickets from Los Angeles to the Philippines for $1600. It would only be for two weeks but I thought it would suffice. But we would need to drive for 10-12 hours from our place to LA and that would be a waste of another day. 

The next day, I suddenly had an urge to browse the net for tickets again and guess what I found? $600 two-way tickets for the four of us to fly from ABQ to LA and back!

Total cost of our flight? $2,200!

God makes all things possible in His time, ways, and purpose. He is simply amazing!

The visit was a surprise to all except JunJun who picked us up at the airport (thanks again!) - my mom asked for an oxygen when she saw us! (like dad, she was very shocked!) She said it was an answered prayer! 

Cheers to believing dreams will come true!

And, yes, we want to go back soon—God please provide again (not a decade long anymore please!)

#grateful Believe It to See It- available on Amazon!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to be one of the visitors on this awesome website :D.
