
I moved to Las Vegas at the beginning of the school year this year. Although there was much resistance in my heart, I followed God's promptings.

I serve two schools, and I like the variety - like a perfect match, I fell in love right away with my work, the people I work with, and the happy "sweat" of Nevada heat. 

Before my third month, one of the schools "bought" me. From today on, I will be working with only ONE school! Yey!

But that's not the story.

The story is I am trying to buy a second home here in Vegas. And while we are so close to the closing stage, more and more delays and hindrances got in the way.

While I was very eager to make it happen, I'd forgotten my purpose.

Yes, it's easy to fall in love with acquiring material things to better my life. But no goals, plans, or dreams will happen until a change of heart occurs - a heart with complete delight in God. 

Mommy would ban us from sharing our goals and dreams with anyone. This year, I defied it.

I always thought - because people might jinx it or their negativities might pull it away from us - but today, I realize there was much more to it.

When we value our dreams so much, we undergo an overhaul of our relationship with God, and that's a personal sacred process (not for anyone's fancy or business).

The process might take time, but like the metamorphosis of a butterfly, may we all find ourselves awake in the beauty of God - dreams fulfilled or not.

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