Which is Better? H1B or J1 Visa?

Teachers who want to teach in the US can choose to take the  J1 or H1B route.

H1B and J1 visas are both non-immigrant visas.

The J1 visa is under the US Department of State. Max duration is five years. You go home for the two-year home requirement before you can reapply.

J1 visa runs for three years with possible two years extension. You will have to go home for a two-year home requirement if your 212e rule is not waived.

The max duration of the H1B visa is six years under USCIS. You are not required to go home to apply for permanent residency (green card) if filed within the period of your visa.

It is a dual intent visa and provides for an opportunity to apply for permanent residency.

Which is better?


The J1 visa route would be better if you want a more straightforward process. But if you want the possibility of permanently staying in the US, H1B visa it is.

With the availability of sponsors for the J1 visa, you can fly to the US in 2-3 months. In contrast, the H1B visa is more lengthy, competitive, and challenging to reach. But, possible.

If you are willing to wait, then H1B is way better but very, very challenging to get!
If you are in a rush, J1 visa it is. It is way easier, faster, and less hassle! 


The J1 or H1B visa holder would have the same based on their credentials and experience.


With the J1 visa, all J2 dependents can work if they apply for an Employment Authorization Document (EAD). Learn more: https://j1visa.state.gov/basics/j2-visa/


With the J1 visa process, you have three options:

1) go direct 
2) apply with local recruitment agencies with partners in the US
3) join US registered agencies like Teach-USA

Teach-USA J-1 service fee can be found here: 

With the H-1B process, you have three options:

1) go direct
2) apply with local registered recruitment agencies

or be radically different and join the Teach-USA H-1B Possibility Program

To join the program, use this link: https://www.teach-usa.net/the-h-1b-possibility-program 

Teach-USA H-1B service fee can be found here:


With both visas, there are no guarantees.

There is no guarantee that you will be offered a job.

For a J1 visa sponsor to approve your sponsorship, all requirements from all parties (host school and applicant) have to be met. Sometimes, there is no guarantee that visa forms are still available, depending on timing.

There is no guarantee that the school district will offer you an H1B visa (since they will have to shoulder all legal and filing fees for sponsorship, it's costly on their part or they may have changed their directives or rules about sponsorships).

There is no guarantee that the US Embassy will approve your visa for whatever reason.


If you want to achieve your dream of teaching in the US anyhow or whatever visa it takes, then go for it! 

As they say, do your best, and GOD will do the rest! And if it's meant to be, it will be!


Whatever you choose, Teach-USA can help! 

Please read the initial requirements. You do not have to submit any of the requirements yet, simply check if you will be able to provide all the documents when we ask for it - https://www.teach-usa.net/initial-requirements.

Please feel free to read the questions and answers page before deciding to join Teach-USA: https://www.teach-usa.net/questions-answers.

Are you ready to join us?

To join the J1 visa option, go to https://www.teach-usa.net and follow the instructions found at the How-to-Apply page.

To join the H1b possibility program, go to https://www.teach-usa.net/the-h-1b-possibility-program.


  1. A blessed day ma'am Gemma. I believe that both program are great based from your statement so whichever comes first, I will grab the opportunity cause I know that God will grant my request on it's perfect time. May God bless us all 🙏

  2. For me I would prefer to wait even if it takes a little longer compared to the J1 visa. H1B is worth the wait so to speak. In H1B I can work for 6 years and I can qualify for benefits provided by the OWWA. and I can change my status without going back to the Philippines.

  3. In my case, both J1 and H1B will give better opportunities to those persistent applicants. However, is more advantageous compare to J1 especially in the number of years that you will stay in the US. In a simple mathematics, "the longer you stay in your workplace-the more you can earn".

    1. For me whichsoever comes first I will grab that opportunity. For as long as I can be accepted to teach USA that's great for me.

    2. Both programs are great. But for now, I will choose J1 Visa because it only takes 2 to 3 months to process and if I have already establish in the US I will process next my H1B. The purpose is to fly now and enjoy the journey.

    3. neriritchel071382@gmail.com I prefer J1 visa..

    4. Greetings,
      I read the posting and prayed which way i choose i rather choose J.1 Visa since HI Visa is more interesting and challenging on my part. And i rather choose your agency to guide me in my quest teaching US this time i need to make a right decision i cannot do it with my own considering that im still teaching here. I your expertise in handling my documents and maybe a favor to recommend me in your partner school. I am ppsitive enough with my hardship and sudden death of a love one in 1year time is a great challenge to me. But depite of it i had open my eyes to doors of opportunity maybe this is my queat in teaching US after death of beloved parents in 2021 both father and mom and my beloved husband due to Covid strikes diqgnose severe. I spent millions but i loose them all,8with this experience i take the courage to try my luck as what the Lord has promised to me he will never leave me nor forskae me and surely his eyes He looked upon widows and never leave them.This is a door of opportunity waiting for me there. Through your guidance and services offered i am previledged that i have attended the orientaion in Cahayan De Oro last month May if im not mistaken. i understand that as and agenvy who have helped us in fulfilling my dream has charges services, It fine and okey to me because payment done after my US dream.Thank Maam Gemma in helping our dream becomes reality i really appreciate your yime and generosity as listen to their testimonies you inspire people from drowning and sinking into debt..above all i thank the Lord he made me strong to amd embraced the challeges ia ma now ready emotionally mentally and physically with Divine guidance from our Creator. I know in times this stories will inspire others too. BELIVED HAVE FAITH AND COURAGE DONT STOP BELIEVING YOUR DREAMS. THWNK u still lookingvfornqnpqrtner school so taht i can procced on the step 2

      Very truly yours
      Maria Sheila Acacio

  4. I choose J1Visa the processing takes 2_3 months only,, hopefully God granted my prayers 🙏🙏

  5. I prefer J1 Visa and is hopefully God will grant my prayers

  6. Both programs are great! However, I prefer the H1B since there's no need to go back home to reapply if ever the applicant was granted a chance.Moreover,the possibility of staying permanently in the US is a plus.Anyway,it will be worth the wait if it's really for me.

  7. J1 and H1B are visas worth to hold. Personally, I prefer H1B because it gives greater opportunity to work longer and may give more time for career/profession improvement.

  8. I want to join the H1B visa program because there's a bigger opportunity for my career growth. I hope and pray because its really my dream to teach in the US

  9. I want to join the H1B visa. It's my big dream to go to the US together with my family.

  10. Teaching in the US was my childhood dream. Whatever visa's that God will grant me I will accept it with a cheerful heart because I believed that "All things work together for good..." and "God is too wise to be mistaken..." He has a perfect plan to all of us in a right and perfect time.

  11. *Collaboration #14: ABOUT THE H-1B Visa Program

    For me, H1-B is really worth it. I'm not in a hurry and I would like to have a very good preparation and knowledge and be ready to work. I am fully aware that there's no easy way of having that.There's no guarantee and I would rather go slowly but surely.

  12. I want to join the H1B visa program because ig give a lot more opportunities for my future.

  13. My plans is for my passion to teach and for my family future.

  14. Both opportunity is great but I prefer to be H1B simply because to achieve our main goal to become a green card holder and to be given a lot of chances for a brighter future, but of course with our perseverance of applying and doing such great to have one.

  15. I prefer H1B because it want to teach longer in the US if given a chance and I don't need to come back to the Philippines to apply for resident visa.

  16. If given the privilege to choose the visa type, then I would choose H1B visa as it will give me and my family a better chance if fulfilling our American dream with the opportunity to share our culture to other diverse students.

  17. I am currently a public high school principal with teaching loads. Am I qualified to apply and teach in the USA. If yes, am I qualified the H1B visa bacause of my dual intention to stay permanently in the US?

  18. For me, both of the visas offer a great opportunity. However, time- wise, I prefer J1 visa. :)

  19. I want to join the H1B visa program because there's a bigger opportunity for my career growth. Teaching is really my calling and I hope and pray that I get the opportunity to teach in the US.

  20. I prefer the H 1B because I would like to eventually live in the US permanently with my family.

  21. I prefer H1b Visa because there is no need to go home for us to reapply again.

  22. I choose H1b visa because there is no need for me to go back in the Philippines and reapply again.I want my family to live permanently if God permits me to work there.

  23. i get longer time to work in the US, my sons can join me there.

    1. Good day ma'am.Both program are great whichever comes first,I will grab the opportunity ma'am.Thanks and God bless

  24. Personally, I prefer the H-1B visa since it is my dream to live in the US.

  25. I want to join the H1B visa. In God's will.

  26. Both plans are good but i prefer to join H1B visa since i want to go to the US together with my family.

  27. For me H1B is better if you're not in a hurry to work in the USA. Its a long process but it's worthy and while your H1B visa is on the process you still have a chance to condition your self both mentally and physically. So for me H1B visa is better if you want to live permanently in the US for brighter and better future.

  28. First of all I would like to thank God for giving me this opportunity to join this program. I am also thankful to Teach USA as an instrument in reaching my dream. My dream is to live in the US and l am planning to seek permanent residence in the US sometime in the future, Thus, H1B is the best option for me to achieve it. I also love the idea that I would be able to bring my family with me. Together with this, I would be able to pursue my passion for teaching and teach foreign and native students.

  29. I have been applying a few years and at first I had trouble getting documentation from Unis, then when I eventually got those and was almost sure of a job, another thing prevented it. Years later I applied again, got offers and missed sponsorships- I take it as a lesson and also something I needed to do as I helped others realize their dream and are now heading to the US to teach. I would really prefer the H1B visa as I want to live in the US long term and be able to work legally mainly because of the opportunities available especially for my kids in acquiring their education.

  30. Good Day ma'am ,for me both VISA ARE GREAT!
    But, I preferJ1 Visa rather than H1B.
    I said so because iam eager to fly and teach in USA since teaching is my passion and ofcourse for the better future of my children my family as well. Giving me a chance to teach in USA is a big dream come true to me

  31. Ester Evon Aruyal MedranoAugust 2, 2022 at 9:09 AM

    In my case, both the J1 and H1B visas will provide persisting individuals with greater opportunities. However, the H1B visa is better to the J1 visa in terms of duration of stay in the United States. The longer I work for a job, the more I can earn.

  32. For me, H1B visa is a way better than J1 visa, however, because I want to fly to the US, the sooner the better, I will go for J1 visa for the mean time. If given the chance to be sponsored with an H1b visa, wow, that's a big bang!

  33. I prefer the H1-B visa in despite of its lengthy application process because I believe that good things come to those who wait. It would give us more time in US to stay and secure permanent residency in the future without exiting the country.

  34. For both J1 and H1B gives opportunities to applicants like me. But because J1 has a limit time. So I prefer H1B I am willing to wait until my opportunity knocks.

  35. Giving the privilege of a Visa in the US is a dream come true. I prefer H1B but because it is lengthy, I can go for J1 Visa in the meantime because it can be achieved much easier. But if given the chance for an H1B, why not? Great opportunity.

  36. I know this will happen as long as we have faith and self-confidence.I1 VISA is a bridge to fulfill my dreams to work and teach in the USA. But I'm still hoping for H1B Visa because it is lengthy and I'm aiming to live and work in the USA with my daughter soon. By God's will.

  37. Both J1 and H1 Visa will probably take me to my American Dream. But I would prefer to be on the H1 Visa because of the benefits it offers, not just for me but to my family as well. I think H1 Visa is worth the risk.

  38. I would like to have an H1B visa because of longer work opportunity could offer. It will help me enhance my skills and self development also as an educator. I am aiming to be with my family also the soonest time so that my children could experience advance skills and equal opportunity for them.

  39. Both J1 and H1b visa are a good start considering both are best opportunity to better the life of my family but i would like to have an H1b visa because this will ensure a longer period of time working in the US plus this will ensure a smooth transition where my family can stay in the US even as permanent residents. Everything I do and dream is for my family to have better life. I am hoping that you can help in me achieving this dream.

  40. Both of the 2 visas are great and considered a great opportunity if one may be given to me. Both of it will give a better life for my family . but if given a chance to hold H1 visa, it's a great opportunity for me to teach in the US for a longer time and to have the chance my family to stay in my dreamland in God's perfect time.

  41. J1 and H1 are both good opportunity to step and stay the USA. For me I chose to consider the H1 for it can provide me and my family a more reason to let my whole family be with me in a new journey. I would also eager to share what I have and to teach with young minds

  42. I believe H1B visa is more advantage than the J1.
    It offer longer work opportunity. It will help me enhance my professional growth, skills and self development as an educator. I am aiming to be with my family also the soonest time so that my children could experience advance skills and equal opportunity.

  43. Good to go for anyone available. Having my dream to live in America in any route, will be okay for me.

  44. Hello! I would just like to ask, because I am confused of what I have read in different posts... Can the dependents of h1b visa, the h4 visa, work in the US?

  45. Good morning! No matter what it is a J1 or H1 as long as I am qualified to teach in the USA it's a big opportunity for me.

  46. Good evening! the two types of visas being presented are worth to hold. But if I have the opportunity to choose, I would pick H1B visa for it is more advantagous for me. I already spend half of my work- life in my home country which is the Philippines, and I believe in my heart that I have done my part the best as I can. Now, I would like to spend another half with my worklife with my family in the place where my heart's desire since childhood and that is America. Thank you

  47. Hello maam Gemma, Good Day! My biggest "why" to teach in the US is to prepare the future ahead of me and my family. It is actually about the time how prepared we are to embrace the future that lies ahead.Thank you.

  48. Both are great opportunities. But I think for me H1-B visa is more priority, since I want to fulfill tis dream with my family.

  49. Good Evening Ma'am Gemma and all teachers who have the same dream as I do. For me, H1b is better than J1 because the H1b visa holds bigger chances to stay and live in the US longer than those who are under J1 visa. H1b visa holders are considered OFWs while J1 visa holders are subject for cultural exchange thus people who are under that visa are subject to E212 rule. If given a chance to teach in the US I would like to teach there for good because there are greater and greener pastures there than here in our home land. As an aspirant I want my dreams to come true for my whole family's future.

  50. Hello Ma'am Gemma, my option is the H1B as not only to teach, but be able to ride in the US. Thank you.

  51. For me both visa provides great opportunity, But I think the H1B is the currently applicable for me and would provide more opportunities for me.

  52. H-1B visa is good for everyone like me who wish to teach and extend staying time in US or probably live permanently, but has the patience to wait since the process time getting the this type of visa is much longer than the J1 visa

  53. Hi, I would say that H-1b visa it gives a big span of opportunity to aspiring teachers who is eager to teach in US. But i would also say that J1 visa is a great oppurtunity as well.

  54. My preferred visa is H1b for it offers possible permanent residency that I longed to have so that I could enjoy living teaching life with my relatives and friends in the US.

  55. I prefer H-1B visa because it will give me more opportunity to teach in US. I can also get part time job unlike in the j1 visa.

  56. i prefer h1b and be given a chance to stay longer in the US and for possible permanent residency

  57. I chose the H1 visa because I am interested in living beyond the contract days in the USA. I want the opportunity to live permanently there.

  58. I prefer to choose H1b visa ,it will give me more opportunity to stay ,to live and to bring my family in the USA. if given the chance.

  59. HI ma'am Gemma. Both programs are great. But I chose H1b program because it doesn't need to go home. I want to stay for professional growth and career advancement.

  60. I prefer H1b visa, for professional growth and career advancement and bring my family in the USA if given a chance.

  61. I prefer H1b visa for professional growth and career advancement, and to bring my family in the USA if given a chance, by God's grace.

  62. Good Day ma'am ,for me both VISA ARE GREAT!
    But, I preferJ1 Visa rather than H1B.
    I said so because iam eager to fly and teach in USA since teaching is my passion and ofcourse for the better future of my children my family as well. Giving me a chance to teach in USA is a big dream come true to me.Hope and pray that it will come true...

  63. Good day ma'am, reading with different comments of the applicants and as I decide for this very moment, I prefer H1B visa because this opportunity will equipt me for my professional growth and broaden my horizon in sharing my expertise to a promising place.

  64. Why H1B visa? Because despite the fact that it takes longer to process, it offers higher chances of staying in the US for good, hopefully with my family. I say for good because I know that when I will be experiencing life in the US, I will be loving it for I know it would open doors of opportunities for me and my family to live the life we have always dreamed of especially the quality of education that we visioned for our children.
    I am currently working on mg dissertation for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Education Major in Research and Evaluation. My undergraduate and Master's degree have specialization in English. You think I have greater chances of landing a teaching job in the US, Maam?

  65. Based from the information I got and read I chose H1B Visa 'coz it offers higher chance for me to pursue my long dream, which is to be a resident in USA with my family where I can assure a better future for my children and if this dream came into reality.

  66. I hope i will be gvin a chance to be part of this program.. I am very much interested, i am a kindergarten teacher for almost 8 years..

  67. I prefer H1B visa because this visa will allow me to stay longer in the USA. This visa will also allow me to pursue legal permanent residency.

  68. Eunice Joy BalganionOctober 17, 2022 at 7:17 PM

    It's been my childhood dream to reach the United States. Having such opportunity in your organization is already a blessing because through you, i would (hoping) fulfill my dream and eventually, if God permits, HB-1 would be a great opportunity for me to bring my family with me in the US.

  69. I prefer H1B visa since this visa is good for 6 to 8 years. This visa will give me a chance to gain permanent residence status in the USA, which is my long-term goal.

  70. I prefer H1B visa because I would love to spend the rest of my teaching career in the American soil. I have done my best in the Philippines. Money may be a big factor, but it is the self-satisfaction that I am dreaming of, which I believe I could earn it in the USA via teaching career.

  71. I choose the H1B visa because I would like to live and work in the USA. I also like to have a long-term teaching employment in America. Also, I would love to migrate in the US.

  72. I want to be H1B Visa .if Gods will live USA permanently

  73. I chose the H1B visa because, although the process is lengthy, it has been my dream for 15 years to live permanently in the US with my family for better educational opportunities. I never considered giving up my application. Instead, I am moving forward because I believe God has the best plan and the perfect moment will come.

  74. I chose the H1B visa because, although the process is lengthy, it has been my dream for 15 years to live permanently in the US with my family for better educational opportunities. I never considered giving up my application. Instead, I am moving forward because I believe God has the best plan and the perfect moment will come.

  75. I am very much interested to apply. I am a grade 3 teacher for almost 18 years in the service.

  76. I chose H1B visa because despite the long wait, it would give me security to teach and settle in the US.

  77. In H1B visa, the school or school district can apply an employment- based Green Card to those H1B visa holders.

  78. No matter how long it takes and a lot of process to do, I still chose H-1B visa. Patience is a virtue. I wanted to settle in the US with my family and give them a comfortable life. All of these, takes faith and trusting God's process and in his accordance with HIS will.

  79. Whatever comes first, I will accept it. What is important is to fly to the USA and get to know more about their education system, gain more experience with my future students, colleagues, and the people and most especially enjoy the journey.

  80. Whatever visa answers my dream would be of great opportunity.

  81. Hi maam gem. Can I ask you, I am currently studying my masters in an online international accredited by Naces which is equivalent to US, when appying for credential evaluation , do i need to send FCE both my BAChelors TOR in the philippines and my Masters(which is qlready accredited in NACES and is a US Equivalent already??

  82. Both visa is great. Whichever comes first I believe its God's perfect plan for me.

  83. I am very interested to apply. I believe both visa are great and I am praying to have one. To God be the Glory. Bless us all.

  84. Given a chance to join Teach-USA is a one in a lifetime opportunity for me. Unexpectedly, I received an email of invitation to join. Without any hesitation I followed the instructions on how to join. Patiently and praying that Mam Gemma would acknowledge my responses and she did. Currently, I am waiting fir the next step. I do believe that God is working through Mam Gemma and the team. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude and I'm willing to wait either of the two visas which fits me in. I confidently give my trust and faith to mam and to Teach-USA. Glory to God.

  85. Hi! I've been working as a teacher in the Philippines for 12 years now. Can I apply in US even if I have loans? If yes, what is the first step to do?

    1. yes, please email your resume to apply@teach-usa.net

  86. I greatly appreciate both Visa options, but I have a preference for the J1 Visa over the H1B. Teaching in the USA is a dream I eagerly anticipate fulfilling, as it aligns with my passion for education and promises a brighter future for my family. I hope and pray for the opportunity to teach in the USA, as it would truly be a dream come true.

  87. I greatly appreciate both Visa options, but I have a preference for the J1 Visa over the H1B. Teaching in the USA is a dream I eagerly anticipate fulfilling, as it aligns with my passion for education and promises a brighter future for my family. I hope and pray for the opportunity to teach in the USA, as it would truly be a dream come true.
