H-1B Service Fee

Facilitation Services include:

– Pre-Screening and Collaboration Facilitation

– Access to the Proprietary Wise Up Program

– Access to Teach-USA Proprietary Database

– Guidance and Facilitation on Visa Sponsorship Process and Support

– Guidance on US Embassy Application Process & Support

– Pre-Departure Orientation

– Flight Resources and Information

– Guidance on Community Resources and Information

– Relocation Guidance and Facilitation

– Online Community and Support

– Administrative, Miscellaneous, Technical Support

– Online Professional Development and Training (as applicable)

The Teach-USA Facilitation Fee is one-time ONLY.
*Teach-USA Services Fee is for facilitation only not recruitment and placement. Only US school districts have 100% control over recruitment and placement.


Option 1: Pay in Full prior to flight to the US. You can pay in full prior to flight to the US (broken down to success stages to make the fees manageable). Total Amount: $5000

  • Balance Due1: $2000 – Due to initiate the H1b Visa Process
  • Balance Due2: $2000 – Due upon approval of the Visa with the US Embassy
  • Balance Due3: $1000 – Due before flight to the US

Option 2: Payment Plan. You can also pay via payment plan: (but paying in full prior to flight to the US saves you $500). Total Amount: $5500

Payment Plan: 
(broken down to success stages to make the fees manageable) 
    • Initial Payment: $1500 – Due to initiate the H1b Visa Process
  • Balance Due: $1500 – Due upon approval of the Visa with the US Embassy
  • Balance Due: $500 – Due before flight to the US
  • Remaining Balance: $1,500 – Payable in the U.S. (within 5 months after your first U.S. salary)

The teacher is bound by the Agreement signed/or as agreed upon in writing.


The following fees are separate: 

  1. FCE – Foreign Credential Evaluation Fee (You may use what you currently have/Optional Service)
  2. FBI and License Service (Optional Service)
  3. US Embassy Application Fee
  4. H1B Premium Processing Fee 
  5. H4 Visa fees (Option)
  6. Flight Fees 
  7. Possible Praxis or TOEFL Examination Fees 


Pre-termination/Cancellation Fee: $5000


The services of Teach-USA do not guarantee a US job offer or a US visa stamp on your passport. All fees are non-refundable. Fees are subject to change without prior notice.

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  1. Hi Ma'am Gemma, is this also applies to Filipino teachers teaching abroad? or for foreign teachers only. Please enlighten me. Thank you.

  2. Hi Maam Hilotin,
    What about if you are already a J1 teacher and is currently in the US, and you wanted to acquire H1B visa from your current district, is there a possibility that you can also assist? (The district does not know about H1B visa)

  3. Hi Maam Hilotin,
    What about if you are already a J1 teacher and is currently in the US, and you wanted to acquire H1B visa from your current district, is there a possibility that you can also assist? (The district does not know about H1B visa)

  4. Good day, Ms. Maria Gemma Hilotin. I hope you are doing well.

    I am a teacher hired by a school district, and I have already obtained my H-1B visa. I am now in the process of completing my POLO-OEC requirements. Our former HR Specialist had mentioned TEACH-US and your name regarding this matter.

    I am currently assisting our new HR Specialist with my case and would greatly appreciate your guidance on how to proceed with the POLO-OEC requirements.

    Thank you very much for your time and assistance!

  5. Good day, Ms. Maria Gemma Hilotin. I hope you are doing well.

    I am a teacher hired by a school district, and I have already obtained my H-1B visa. I am now in the process of completing my POLO-OEC requirements. Our former HR Specialist had mentioned TEACH-US and your name regarding this matter.

    I am currently assisting our new HR Specialist with my case and would greatly appreciate your guidance on how to proceed with the POLO-OEC requirements.

    Thank you very much for your time and assistance!

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