Don't Take It Personally!


The other day, a Kindergarten teacher called me out because as her class was transitioning to another location, I smiled and said to one of her students, "Hi, Juana!"  She exclaimed in my face, never to do that again, that If I want to greet her class, it has to be everybody in the line and not just call out "Juana!"

I was shocked and failed to respond. 

Side story: One time, the teacher asked the SPED department to help  Juana by allowing her to use the toddler potty seat in the restroom. Since I was there, I helped Juana out. I led Juana to the bathroom and closed the door, thinking she knew what to do. Juana has dwarfism. Good thing, I opened the door at once to check on her, and she was in tears! I immediately thought she couldn't do anything by herself and helped her with her pants and helped her wash her hands. *Personal connection at its best, right?

So, what's the deal with the Kindergarten teacher's behavior?

I still find it weird!

Good thing, I had a chance to attend Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI): Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training that weekend and was able to contain myself by thinking: She's got a problem. Haha.

Anyway, here are my CPI takeaways:

All behavior is a form of communication!

Ask yourself: What is the person conveying through their behavior?

What you can do:

1. Be aware of your own attitudes and perceptions and remain in control of your own behavior.

2. There are internal and external causes of behavior over which you have little or no control. But you have a locus of control - your reaction, response, and attitude!

3. Don't take it personally! Recognize the need to remain professional by managing your own behavior and attitude!

CPI is great! Please ask your principal if the training is available in your district, and be sure to attend!

Epilogue: I do not want to see the teacher's face again. Haha. But I respect her being a mother hen to her students. That's OK.

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