Insanely True!

Doing the same things over and over is comforting and easy.

I am safe, sound, and in my little box.

True, it gets me nowhere. Nowhere I really, really, want to be!

And it is making me crazy!!!

I have three options:

  1. Stop dreaming.
  2. Stay where I am and ACCEPT IT!
  3. Do something about it. 

I thank God for the wake up call!

Because why would I stop dreaming? It is the only FREEBIE in this world! And why would I accept where I am when I can still be more, do more, and have more?!

If I do not do anything to change the trajectory of my life, I will continue to get stuck in where I am.

If I want something to happen, I have to do something- anything!

If I really want what I want, I must step in the direction of my dream!

No buts, no ifs.

Just do.

And I need no one's opinion about it.


  1. Thanks Mam Gemma for being an inspiration.You might not know it but you are constantly pushing us aspirants to do beyond our limits. God bless.
