Prayers Move Mountains


My TeachUSA journey began last September 2022. 

Through the guidance of ma'am Gemma Defeo Hilotin and ma'am LeZah A Alignam, I processed all documents needed (like FCE, reference letters and the like) prior to sending out applications to schools para #LagingHanda. 

I figured it would be much easy this way so that when a school is interested in my application, I could easily send the needed documents. 


I think I applied to almost 53 schools from December 2022- February 2023.

By February, the emails I kept on receiving were "sorry, this position has been filled". I pondered "siguro walang pag-asa itong major ko sa US. Baka hindi talaga ito in-demand. Lord Jesus, kahit isang school lang sana.."

'Lo and behold, March 2023, I received an email from one school district. I was interviewed and then given a Job Offer. The mock interview with ma'am Gemma really helped a lot!

Fast forward, yesterday was my visa interview at the embassy. Before I was called, my prayer was "Lord God, 'easy and approved visa' process po sana" and true enough, the process was easy and smooth. The interview yesterday ended with the consul telling me "Alright, thank you for teaching our children!" 


As the song goes, "God will make a way, when there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for (us)." 

Proverbs 3:5-6 : "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." 

Malayo pa, pero malayo na.

Glory to God! 

Grateful to TeachUSA. 


--- Arvin M.

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