In Pursuit of God

Pursue not the job offer.
Pursue not the visa.
Pursue not the dream nor your goals.
Pursue only God.

He will give you the desires of your heart.
He will lead you in the right direction.
He will make ways for you.

Believe it.

It is not the pursuit that will make you win.
But by letting go and allowing God to be God,
in your life.
All the time.



  1. Amen. Amen. I am so inspired every time I read Ma'am Gemma's words of life. It is all Biblical-based, it is all purposed-driven life. (Thank You Lord for giving me all the desires of my heart. Thank You so much for directing me all Your perfect ways, for my dreams for myself, my family, and my church. I thank You so much Dear Lord God Almighty for letting me know Ma'am Gemma and the Teach-USA in the pursuit of Your high calling in this life. In Jesus' most precious name, Amen.
