Week 7/52 #Weeklies
While staring at the walls, undecided of what to do next, I was reminded
of the #Weeklies I started a couple of months ago. It wasn’t really "weeklies"
using the calendar time frame but whenever the inspiration to write comes that
would be the week! :)
I’ve been focused on writing about how powerful our minds are
I am really amazed on how whatever our minds can conceive, whatever we can think about, God always has the way to make it happen for us.
But of course, some things need understanding and time to mold. But sometimes, it just seems like magic. It will just all come together and boom it happens! It is simply awesome!
Life, though, isn't just about manifestations and creating magic and miracles... Life is all about relationships and how we relate to ourselves, to our family, to our friends and loved ones...
I thought of you...
I am sorry for the poor choices I made that affected you.
I am sorry for being tactless and not mindful of your feelings.
I am sorry for being tactless and not mindful of your feelings.
I am sorry for blaming you.
I am sorry for not choosing to listen to you.
I am sorry for not choosing to listen to you.
I am sorry for not being loving enough, understanding enough, and
caring enough.
I am sorry for being so preoccupied with wanting; I forgot you have
your wants too. I am sorry for forgetting who I really am, to you.
I am truly sorry.
I miss sharing thoughts with you for sure! But, I am happy with where
you are and what you've accomplished. You deserve it!
I wish you all the best in life. I wish you healing and peace. I wish you happiness and love.
Let the ocean of mercy be upon us all the days of our lives!