Telescopes and Stars

During our last night at the New Mexico Tech in Socorro, New Mexico, we visited the Etscorn Campus Observatory. 

The observatory is surrounded by earth berms and is strategically located to avoid as much light pollution as possible from campus and town. (website here).

Here's the whole team of sun-kissed turned browner kids and adults (more like refugees here, LOL!) with the Professor of Astronomy in-charge of the Observatory.

The professor peeping inside the telescope. We were getting ready to see the moon!

Here's the moon up close!
Mimoi busy looking at the telescope.

Another one of their cool telescopes C-14 (if I remember right) inside an automatic roll-off roof (using a garage-door mechanism to open and close for observing.)

Here's the 20-inch Dobsonian inside a 15-foot dome where we saw Saturn!

Beautiful Saturn - see the rings?

 The professor gave a lecture too about the wonders of Astronomy and Science.

It was a great night of discovery and fun!

end of June, 2012
New Mexico Tech
Socorro, NM

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