I could still remember the phone call I received almost two years now. I was driving on the way home when the cell phone rang. I wasn't supposed to pick it
True enough, it was the Assistant Principal in-charge of Special Education calling me. I immediately maneuvered the car to the right to a halt.
"Yes Sir, I am still very interested in the position" (really interested!), I answered when asked if I was still available and interested in the Special Ed position.
He said, he will go to the District Office to get my files, I blurted, "Yes Sir, please do that." (super determined!
He called me up again the next day (sign of real interest!
So, I took a leave and anticipated the call. Well, 15 minutes later (after the agreed time), there still was no call, so I called them up (persistent!), and funny, I was actually an hour early. I was thinking of our time, and my interviewer was referencing their time (an hour late!).
I hang up the phone and they called after 30 minutes. I felt like I was just into it. Too many
An hour after the interview, I received a call again (good, good sign!), asking me to come already, as in to come as soon as possible! (
That day, I went ahead to talk to my current principal about the situation and asked favor if she can return the call for reference purposes. She did. She called the principal and I was just looking at her reaction and listened to what she was saying! As soon as she
To make the long story short, 2 days after, I flew to New Mexico and spent the day in the school I applied for. They had planned my day for me. I attended Special Ed meetings, toured the whole school, observed inclusion classes and demonstrated (and was observed) in an Algebra class. (
At the end of the day, the principal asked for me again, he asked, "how was it..", and I told him "I loved it! I want to stay!!!" (...
To God be the Glory! Amen!