Erase the I don't know HOW mentality

I had my second child in 2006. Dennis, my husband, worked as a seaman that time. Of course, I wanted a complete family. I did not like the idea that my two kids will grow up and not know their father as they should be (because he comes and goes), and I didn’t want that.

I think I was logical too. I knew it will be hard for Dennis to find a job in the Philippines that will pay the same as what he makes. I knew I couldn't ask him to resign because, with a teacher's salary, I wouldn't be able to make ends meet at all. So, I thought, maybe, migration was the key.

If we migrate, then we could start anew and we could be together forever living a simple yet abundant life. It matched with my life’s vision, or at least the being together part.

The next question was how will it be possible at all?! I taught computers in college for three years, I taught English for a year and back to computer teaching for another year. I only have that number of years in teaching. Plus, I did not have masters. I did have all the units in place, but I didn't have a degree! I knew computer teaching was not even a demand in the US, Singapore or anywhere else!

So how? How will I ever make my dream come true? How will it happen, what will I do???

At the back of my mind, it was impossible, but at the same mind, I knew I could always take a different route and that was what I did. 

I did not mind the how.

I continued looking at Facebook photos of friends in the foreign countries and imagined I was in the pictures. I owned my dreamed! When my asked where I was going (even if it was just in a market), you’d hear me say, ‘to America, join me?’ I’d even post photos of dollars on our bedroom walls and manifest through the words on the walls.

I didn’t allow not 'knowing the how' to stop me from envisioning a complete family like the way I wanted.

By God's grace and mercy, viola! opportunities came and I just did what I had to do.   

First, a teacher friend asked me to check on a website and asked me to apply for the sake of applying, regardless of the outcome. She said, 'just try, nothing to lose'. I did. 

That rolled the ball. 

Next thing I knew I received a text message about an interview- went to the interview in the middle of the night and passed it. I was asked to pay – and I paid the fees. In two months after the text message, I was on the plane to the US of A.

I love reliving these moments!

You may have a dream that, up to now, is still a dream. Maybe, taking the other route - the route of dreaming, believing and envisioning will make it happen for you too!

Let us not allow the stress of not knowing how to hinder us from achieving our fondest dream.

It happened to me before, I know, in my heart, it will happen again, and again, and again.

And so it is.


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