I'm Not Subject to 212 Rule, Can you Help Me?

Section 212 (e) is part of U.S. law in the Immigration and Nationality Act. It requires the participants to return to their home country for at least two years before changing their visa or re-applying with the same visa. J1 exchange visitors are subject to a two-year home-country physical presence requirement after the end of the cultural exchange program.

If you are not subject to this rule, maybe we can help you.

To join us, please see https://www.teach-usa.net/the-h-1b-possibility-program.

In your application be sure to include the information about your exception in Section 212 (e).


  1. cordial saludo,deseo postularme como rpofesora, pero en cual link es el proceso.Agradezco quien me pueda orientar.

    1. por favor empieza aquĆ­ - https://www.pinoyteacherstories.com/2022/01/which-is-better-h1b-or-j1-visa.html.

  2. I'm very much interested ma'am Gemma. How can I push through this? Thank you.

    1. send me an email about you and your plans, apply@teach-usa.net

  3. I am very much willing to apply maam. What is it that I need to do?

  4. Hello maam Gemma, I've been applying to teach in the US sine before the pandemic. I wish I could do it this time

    1. go for it, please read to learn more - https://www.pinoyteacherstories.com/2022/01/which-is-better-h1b-or-j1-visa.html

  5. Hello mam Gemma Hilaton, i am decided to pursue my dreams after death of my husband. I alreadt my passport i will wait for my transcript with COV verification i hope u can guide me on the steps
    Thank u

  6. I am decided to pursue my dreams. I already my passport I I have my transcript with COV I hope that you can help me step by step. Thank you and God bless

  7. Have a wonderful day Ma'am Gem! I'm one of a dreamer to be one of a Filipino teacher there in USA. I hope and praying to God tha he will guide me and give me the opportunity. I'm now rendering 10 years service as a teacher here in the Philippines.


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