You all have four different sponsors. Sponsors with different fees, processing styles, and personalities!
Upon US entry, you all become under the jurisdiction of your sponsor. So, make sure to have good relations with them.
They are all very strict with following the US Dept of State's requirements.
So, please abide by the rules.
To each his own, but we have real stories like these:
- a teacher who was given an option to either get fired or asked to leave the country immediately (because of personality conflict with students and staff)
- a teacher who, after a few months, was given an administrative leave for some illicit behavior with students and asked to leave the country immediately
- a teacher who was asked to leave the country for unsatisfactory performance, despite all the support and help provided
I'm pretty sure you don't want to waste all your effort to achieve this dream.
The Wise Up Program training no longer gives you an excuse to say "I don't know" because YOU DO KNOW. And, honestly, you know it ALL!
Be confident in your skills but be humble enough to continue preparing for this feat.
Teachers, it's not EASY, especially at the beginning. But you can only get better and wiser in the end.
Your success is within reach.
So, please embrace your family as much as you can now. The next few months will be a different story.
And hopefully, entering the US soil ONLY makes you a BETTER PERSON.
Prayers for you!