My Journey: From the Philippines to the USA
I had never been out of the Philippines my entire life—until March 2007. That’s when the idea of migrating to the USA first crossed my mind. Six months later, that thought became a reality!
Looking back, I find my story about "the thought thing" quite fascinating. It’s amazing how our minds can create opportunities when we focus on what we truly want.
At that time, I was brimming with curiosity—about everything! Everything about the USA excited me. It was my first time leaving the Philippines, and I didn’t even know what “another country” looked like. I was that naïve.
I had so many questions running through my head:
“What will happen to me in school?”
“What will the students think of me? What do they look like? Will they understand me?”
“What about the teachers—are they nice? What about the system?”
“Will I survive???”
I applied for a teaching position in New Orleans, Louisiana, and I got the job! That was all I knew—I had secured a teaching position. But in terms of expectations? I had no clue.
My only frame of reference for the U.S. education system was Hollywood movies. Spoiler: it was nothing like the movies.
A week before my flight, I turned to the internet for help. I was desperate to find the story of a real Filipino teacher in America—a guide to the challenges, experiences, and lessons I might face.
Unfortunately, I found nothing. Sure, there were articles about agencies, lawsuits, teacher rallies, successes, and organizations, but nothing truly personal or relatable. Or maybe I didn’t search hard enough?
Like entering a marriage, I was in for surprises. I had to discover my WIFM—"What’s in it for me?"—on my own.
And guess what? I found it!
Thank you for visiting my site. I believe God has a reason for bringing you here.
Welcome to Pinoy Teacher’s Stories!
I love writing my thoughts.
When I was younger, I kept diaries. Back then, they were just for my eyes only. But as time and technology evolved, so did writing!
Now, I take pleasure in sharing my thoughts with the world wide web, reflecting on my experiences and learning along the way. Writing has become a passion for me—a way to share awesome ideas instead of keeping them to myself.
My other blog is called Gem’s Daily Treasures. It’s filled with inspired ideas about personal development, wellness, and financial matters. It’s a lifestyle blog about living, loving, and learning.
Thank you for reading and following my blogs!
I’m Gemma, by the way.
Thanks for reading!
Feel free to send me an email at [email protected] for comments, suggestions, topic ideas, guest posts, or advertising opportunities.
I hope to hear from you soon!